6 February 2018: Safer Internet Day
Today, about 100 countries are celebrating the Safer Internet Day 2018 to promote a better use of the new technologies, which are too often used as means to spread fear and dangers.
This year's theme is "Create, connect and share respect: A better internet starts with you".
Everyone needs to use internet in a responsible way, in order to promote the dignity of every person and to respect the safety of everyone.
Institutions, civili society, individuals, the Church: all can play an active role in the process of building a safer digital world, especially for the children.
The CCP is committed to promote an increased attention to the risks that children run online. This was the goal of the international Congress Child Dignity in the Digital World (Pontifical Gregorian University, October 2017). Also to this end, we renew every day our efforts to create a safer and more aware context for our children.
Picture: Lars Plougmann