Cardinal Marx talks to Peter Beer about the "Spes et Salus" Foundation
This is an English translation of the German press release issued on the occasion of Cardinal Marx's visit to the Institute of Anthropology (IADC) on 21 July 2022.
Cardinal Marx stresses his concern to continue contributing to healing and strengthening those affected by abuse
The Archbishop of Munich talks to Peter Beer about the work of the “Spes et Salus” Foundation
Munich, 22 July 2022: During a visit to Rome, Cardinal Reinhard Marx was apprised of the work of his "Spes et Salus" Foundation. The Foundation is dedicated to promoting healing and reconciliation for persons affected by abuse in the Catholic Church.
"As Archbishop of Munich and Freising, and as a private individual, I personally want to contribute to ensuring that the Church is a space where there is no place for abuse, and that projects are implemented that contribute to coming to terms with, and preventing abuse, as well as to strengthening those affected," said Cardinal Marx when he visited the Institute of Anthropology (IADC), in Rome on Thursday, 21 July.
The "Spes et Salus" ("Hope and Salvation") Foundation funds international research regarding what needs to be done so that those affected by abuse can recover an appropriate spiritual home. Survivors of abuse are asked to share their experiences and ideas in order that these may be addressed. The research is led by a social scientist from the Catholic University of Leuven who is working with stakeholders to examine common concerns and develop practical conclusions.
As Chairman of the "Spes et Salus" Foundation's Advisory Board, Peter Beer updated the Cardinal on the work of the Foundation, and that of the Institute of Anthropology, in the IADC offices in Rome. Beer has worked as a professor at the Centre for Child Protection (CCP) of the Pontifical Gregorian University since 2020. In 2021, the CCP became the Institute for Anthropology - Interdisciplinary Studies on Human Dignity and the Care of Vulnerable Persons (IADC).
The Centre for Child Protection was founded in Munich and has received significant support from the Archdiocese since the beginning. The new Institute of Anthropology (IADC) offers various study programmes for people working in the field of child protection, safeguarding, and abuse prevention.
Cardinal Reinhard Marx created the "Spes et Salus" Foundation in 2020, endowing it with 500,000 euros from his personal assets. The Cardinal intends the Foundation as a complement to the Church's commitment to abuse prevention, as well as conducting research into acknowledging and coming to terms with the suffering caused by abuse. According to the Foundation’s statutes, its purpose is "to contribute to strengthening, promoting and supporting those affected by abuse on the path of their self-empowerment and self-determined personal development".
The Foundation has cooperated closely with the new Institute of Anthropology (IADC) since its establishment last year.
Endowments for “Spes et Salus” are possible and welcome. Further information can be found at www.spes-et-salus.org.