CCP Alumni: Br. Fortune Update "Safeguarding is a Ministry"
I have been involved to a greater extent in the work around Safeguarding. I now see it more than just an obligation or a responsibility but more of a calling and I now see and take Child Safeguarding as a Ministry.
I have now moved to Cape Town where I am greatly involved in Social Advocacy and re awakening Child Rights and Safeguarding issues to students of our college here and I have also started doing some work in the same area with the Archdiocese of Cape Town Education Secretariat. I still continue with my regional commitments to keeping children safe in all our Marist Institutions and Dioceses in the region. To date I have conducted workshops to Regional Seminaries, Catholic Schools, Catholic Religious and Diocesan Priest upon requests from the Archbishop of Harare. I have also run workshops in Religious Formation Houses. In brief this is what I have been up to in this Ministry. I am rolling out a plan to train Designated Child Safeguarding Persons in all the 23 Marist Educational Institutions in 6 countries.
I feel that we need to strongly move from policy to practice in terms of issues to do with Child Safeguarding and we cannot wait.
—Br. Fortune

Bro. Fortune presenting to the Conference of African Marist Superiors on Child Safeguarding in February 2018.