CCP Alumnus Organizes Training day in Mindanao, Philippines
CCP is happy to reveice the news from Br. Jeff Rey Antiquisa (Diploma Course Alumnus '18) who organized an orientation session on the on safeguarding of children for the staff of Notre Dame of Cotabato in southern Mindanao this past May. The theme was: "The role of the Catholic educational institution in safeguarding of children", with emphasis on child rights and the problem of online sexual exploitation of children in the Philippines. There were 96 personnel attendees comprised of Religious Brothers, Christian and Muslim teachers. With a school population of 2500 students from kindergarten to senior high school.

Br Jeff writes, "It is indeed a demanding task ahead in the area of safeguarding, considering it is a multi-religious and ethnically diverse institution. Creating awareness as one of the prevention strategies is very important and I hope for more support from our brothers and more collaboration with other Catholic schools in our area. Thank you for your support behind the scenes and in empowering us CCP students. I do appreciate it a lot. Best regards to all my professors and CCP staff."