CCP Partners: New Beginnings—Austria and Latin America
These have been weeks full of dialogues, projects, and planning - and my colleagues know when they hear my many online meetings that there are new courses beginning and new partnerships forming with the CCP.
I'm very happy to be able to share the new beginnings: we have begun a fruitful collaboration with the Catholic University of Salta (Argentina). After two years of shared projects, our partnership continues and grows. Special thanks to Prof. Rosa Zacca, Director of the John Paul II Institute of Marriage and Family Life of the University of Salta, with whom we continue to partner in offering the students a high level course in prevention of the sexual abuse of minors. The work would not be possible without the support and work of the project manager, Dr. Fanny Arrieta, who more than two years ago contacted us and offered to collaborate on our mission.
Other collaborations have also been renewed in Latin America: with the Archdiocese of Córdoba (Argentina), thanks to the availability of Archbishop Carlos José Ñáñez and to the precious collaboration of Fr. Guillermo Rosolino, of the Theological Institute of Córdoba, which has guaranteed a higher education course offering for different groups in formaiton; and, once again, wit PUCE (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador), and in particular with their center of applied psychology: the number of persons formed by Fr. Carlos Ignacio Man Ging SJ reaches more than 200! And many projects are already on the way in the next few months.
But of course we can not forget the new traveling companions: Congregazione delle Missionarie Figlie di San Girolamo Emiliani has recently signed an agreement with the CCP and is already busily at work in Guatemala and the Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck - Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät. Many thanks in this case go to Prof. Nikolaus Wandinger for his support and determination in promoting the common project that will have us collaborating in the coming months.
Networking is important: it is our work towrds the construction of a safguarding culture for children all over the world, in order that they live in a safer world.
Prevention is our commitment: yet we could not promote it without the help of all those who work with us every day. Thank you very much to all!