CCP Partners: The visit of Mons. Luis Manuel Alí Herrera
On Tuesday, April 17th, we had the great pleasure of again welcoming to the CCP office Msgr. Luis Manuel Alí Herrera, Vicar General of the Center of Communion and Participation of the Archdiocese of Bogota, and a member of the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors, as well as a collaborator and supporter of the work of the CCP. Thanks to his support and its determination, the CCP has in fact activated partnership with the Fundación Universitaria Monserrate of Bogotá, where the formation of the first group of 18 participants is taking place in these days. A training of formators which will then have the multiplication effect of enabling further training courses, leading to involving more than 108 participants in 2018.
A special thank you, in this beautiful adventure, goes to Diana Marcela Suárez, the person in charge of the online course at the Fundación, with whom I am in constant contact to ensure that the program can take place in the best possible way. Diana's commitment and precision are allowing us to do a great job, which we are very happy with. Because of you, and through the help of Msgr. Herrera we have had the pleasure of receiving the beautiful poster bearing the logo of the Oficina para la Promoción del Buen Trato in Menores (Office for the Promotion of the Protection of Minors) of the Archdiocese of Bogotà.
We are happy to display it in our office, a further sign of the growth of the network we are building together to protect children from all over the world more effectively.