"Church in Colombia is a strong voice of peace and reconciliation", says Fr. Zollner
Father Hans Zollner traveled to Bogotá, Colombia to be a part of multiple events about safeguarding which took place from October 16th – October 18th.
The first appointment was with the major superiors for consecrated life throughout the country, on October 16th. The workshop allowed for people to discuss the many challenges they face in religious life and how it’s possible to connect their spirituality to the local challenges. They discussed ways they can help people entering religious life who come from very diverse backgrounds and experiences in order to allow for their growth in order to find their vocations. Father Zollner mentioned how interesting it was to see the vast diversity of the Catholic Church and the different congregations all in one place and how “effective it can be to come together”.
On October 18th, in Bogota, Father Hans Zollner experienced a full day, beginning with a panel session at the Universita Javeriana, a Jesuit-run university in the city. At the end of the panel session, victims and survivors of sexual abuse committed by a Jesuit stood up, demanding to be listened to. The provincial of the Jesuits in Colombia, Hermann Rodríguez Osorio, was present during this moment and later met up with the survivors to discuss.
After the panel session, Father Zollner was interviewed for Cristovisión, a Colombian catholic television channel.
On the same day, Father Zollner was a part of a workshop with more than fifty people present along with more than 170 communities connected online. In the evening, Father Zollner met with the Jesuits studying theology where they had a very engaging and educational discussion about safeguarding.
Father Zollner describes his admiration for the Church of Colombia “for being a strong voice of peace and reconciliation when the country faces challenges like civil wars and the presence of guerrilla groups who govern parts of the country.”