Firenze: prima Conferenza Europea su formazione del clero e prevenzione degli abusi sui minori/Florence: First European Conference on Human Formation and Prevention of Abuses

“Formazione e Prevenzione. Confrontare i differenti approcci di formazione umana e valutazione psicologica nei Seminari: un ulteriore passo verso il safeguarding in Europa”
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31 March - 1 April 2017: the Archdiocese of Florence, in collaboration with the Facoltà Teologica dell’Italia Centrale, the Centre for Child Protection of the Pontifical Gregorian University and the Archbishop's Seminary of Florence, organizes the conference:
"Formation and Prevention. Comparing approaches on human formation and psychological assessment in Seminaries: another step towards safeguarding in Europe"
Click on the image to access the conference program.