First gathering of IADC Advisory Committee takes place in Rome
Today the Advisory Committee of the Institute of Anthropology: Interdisciplinary Studies on Human Dignity and Care (IADC) gathered for the first time March 22, both onsite at the IADC office in Villa Malta and online.
The IADC Advisory Committee is a body tasked with accompanying the Institute’s academic and scientific development and ensuring the effectiveness of the Institute's work by offering suggestions on which topics should be emphasized in regard to research and engagement, in accordance with the aims and purposes of the IADC.

On January 20, 2023, Father Mark A. Lewis, SJ, rector of the Pontifical Gregorian University, officially appointed the committee’s members for a three-year period. The committee was selected from among the representatives of people whose dignity has been wounded, the Institute's benefactors, and members of the academic world.

The Vice Academic Rector of the University, Father Giuseppe di Luccio, SJ, presided over the first committee meeting, which included the presence of IADC Director Father Hans Zollner, SJ, as well as the 11 appointed members. After their introduction, the committee members heard presentations from the IADC staff who shared new insights on our work and programs.
The IADC is grateful to the committee members for their willingness to accompany the Institute in its mission.
We look forward to working together with the members in the Institute’s academic and scientific development and to receive from them suggestions and guidance in the areas of research and engagement.