On 8th of September Fr. Hans Zollner SJ was invited to give a talk on "Safeguarding in the Catholic Church - analysis and prospects" in Vienna. The Independent Victims' Advocacy of the Catholic Church in Austria (Unabhängige Opferschutzanwaltschaft, better known as "Klasnic-Kommission") had organized the conference in Churhaus, a venue of the Archdiocese of Vienna. Among the participants were the members of the Klasnic-Kommission with its president Frau Waltraud Klasnic (former Prime Minister of Steiermark), the members of its Board of Trustees with its president Bishop Klaus Küng from St. Pölten, respresentatives of Ombuds-offices for victims of abuse from all Austrian regions, Prevention officers from Church and State institutions as well as Vicar Generals and diocesan Directors of Personnel.
Please click
here to read the interview with Fr. Zollner SJ