Prof Dr Myriam Wijlens Keynote Address at the Diploma Course Commencement
"The Church Being a Safe Place for Children. Opportunities and Challenges for the Ministry of Safeguarding"
Keynote speaker for the Diploma Course Commencement (14 Feburary, 2020), Myriam Wijlens, from the Netherlands, is professor of canon law at Erfurt University in Germany. Dr. Wijlens serves on the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors and as a delegate for the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of Christian Unity to the Faith and Order Commission and as an expert to the Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission. She is an honorary professor of ecumenism and canon law at the University of Durham (UK).
To read the full text of her speech, it is available here: Wijlens Graduation Diploma CCP 14.02.2020