Safeguarding: From “A” to “Zotero”
From the outset, the CCP has been working on a project to create a comprehensive research library on the topic of safeguarding. Research is a fundamental activity of the CCP, and maintaining an up-to-date shared research database, which is accessible to CCP research partners coming to work at the Centre, is a priority.
For the last year, under the lead of CCP Director Prof. Karlijn Demasure, students working on doctoral topics connected to safeguarding—in psychology, sociology, or theology—have been compiling data from institutional sources and from their own research in an interdisciplinary digital library based at the Centre. The research bank is powered by Zotero, which provides the ability to store PDFs, e-books, and articles together with their catalogue information. It allows nearly endless possibilities to organise materials with tags and folders. Zotero's plugin for Microsoft Word allows one to easily print bibliographies and to reference documents in academic papers.
We encourage CCP students and collaborators present in Rome to consider attending the training sessions being held at the Gregorian University next week. On Wednesday 22 November, from 13:45 to 14:45, there will be an introductory session, “What is Zotero?”; on Thursday 23 November, from 13:45 to 14:45, a practical session on how to configure Zotero. Those interested in attending should register with the Gregorian library beforehand.